Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dream or realization

There was a thick layer of fog between me and my goals. I shrieked for help. And then I found an arm......it stayed and made me smile...soon it went away. Then there was another one...it went away too and another one....and so on. And there were no more arms to hold on to .I had no choice but to go on.

'Hope and dream' speeches are mighty entertaining. But they don't provide an arm to a lost man trying to find his way. So I trashed them.

And then, I realized. I had the arms of God. I had them in the form of the two, swinging by my side, as a part of me. And so, I knew....I dint have to shriek for help!


Dreamer said...

Support from others is like a ladder support, which is limited by its height; remaining elevation should be attained by you.” Others can give you courageous speech, but it is up to you to find the path out of difficulty.

“It is not that the problems are difficult that we don’t dare; rather it is because we don’t dare, the problems are difficult.”

If you are interested, let me know I will send you the audio link for “Mankuthimmana Kagga,” which is known as Kannada’s “Bhagavad-Gita,” which will help you in understanding hopes and realization.

Child Woman said...


Yaah cudnt agree less wit u. Is ther an online link?

Dreamer said...

check this out.....


If the above link does not work,

Go to www.kannadaaaudio.com
Next go to Harikathe section
Select Mankuthimmana Kagga.


Dreamer said...

website name is www.kannadaaudio.com, sorry for the above mistake....:)

child woman said...


thanks buddy

child woman said...

Mankuthimmana Kagga is a philospphy
in itself..Many scholars have procured PhD in Kannada literature just using 'Manku thimmana kagga' as the topic of discussion and perspective

Dreamer said...

u r welcome......

i agree with u, it is kind of philosophical........ ;)

Prashanth(MSP) said...

Are these your really words? Quite inspiring ...

By the way, we also have legs ... not to run away in cowardice, but to leap forward to our goals with a spring in each step.

I now need to say to myself, "Feet, are you listening?!"

child woman said...


very cute!!

Unknown said...

hmm...as a near-atheist, at least in this sense, myself, i'd prefer to characterise your finding a helping hand/God as you finding confidence or clarity in your goals, which is basically what the hand implies. enanthiya? hows life? working now?

Child Woman said...

@ kiran

I totally agree with you.... its more a matter of perspective. More to do with self confidence and clarity of goals...

Child Woman said...

@ kiran

Believing in god gives solace...throwing uncertainties to a domain beyond reason

Keshav said...

This is so true..I had no clue you were so a believer in GOD.. Swalpa pada Xerox pls...