Saturday, May 27, 2006

Its pure, its dawn , its music....

I can feel thin air splitting my wet hair. Dawn has never felt purer. The grim crimson skies are melting into bright and gay orange-yellow setting free the first rays of dawn.

I am listening to one of the compositions of my peers. The medley swings from Hindistani to Carnatic to Jazz. I can hear waters flowing in the background. The notes have trancsended me from where I am to where I never knew I could go.

As the waters build from gentle droplets to thickets of rain,the music gets wilder.The flowing voice sinks and soars to unimaginable bounds onto infinite degrees of freedom and madness. Effervescent with passion and composure, voices and instruments send pulses of joy through the senses and the soul.

Is it classic or classical? Who can deny that art is as much a realisation for the audience as much as it is for the artist....

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Theyr graduating

There is this huge stadium filled with people chattering. More than half of 'em have a black gown on them. The sweltering Summer heat doesnt bog their spirits down. I see proud faces of parents and such faces galore. Its graduation day as usual and yet another milestone cleared for so many.

I wonder what its like to see your own kid grow up to acheieve something you always dreamed of. I have mostly seen it happen the other way round. The former is yet to happen from my perspective....

Children have a mind like that of a blank page and happen to be written into, by their surroundings and aspects of strong influence. Most certainly parents act as bars of reference.I have observed that a great percentage of where a person's character emerges from, depends on his thoughts and hence the nature of up bringing.

Having worked in the Neuro science department for quite sometime, living has become synonymous of learning,thoughts, execution and not to forget 'The Brain' in perspective for me.

So many of my peers around here are jumping companies, winding up grad school,dating,married, some planning to head back to India, and some have their head so deeply buried in their Laptop/PC that they cant perceive a world beyond.

Its funny how people take off from the same platform and perceive and make life differently everytime.

Why are weekend mornings so reflective? Is it me thinking or thoughts haunting me.....